Nothing to see here. I have just installed Disqus and am just testing it. Basically, I get a lot of comment spam. Most of it is handled by the current plugin that I installed but I have decided to try using an external commenting system to see if I can reduce the amount of bogus traffic that gets sent my way. Feel free to try leaving a comment on this post.
Update: Well that was easy to set-up! Seems OK. Doesn’t look great but it appears to work how I thought it would.
This is a test comment.
This is also a test comment!
And yet another test comment 🙂
Your first post for over a week and it's about comment spam… nice!
What you up to at the moment?
Testing to make sure comments still working.
How do you know if this comment is spam or a real comment! Dont for get to check out my gambling website!